A Magician Among the Spirits by Houdini

Название: A Magician Among the Spirits by Houdini
Автор: Harry Houdini
Год: 1924
Страниц: 326
Формат: pdf
Язык: English
Размер: 6 mb

Harry Houdini(1874-1926), whose real name was Erik Weisz, was one of the most famous magicians
and escapologists of all time. He was highly sceptical of the many claims made concerning psychic
and paranormal phenomena, which were very popular in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
He attended hundreds of seances for the purposes of his study, and never experienced one he believed genuine.
In this book, published in 1924, he described the mediums and psychics whom he revealed as fraudulent,
exposing the tricks which had convinced many notable scientists and academics.

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Название: A Magician Among the Spirits by Houdini Издатель: HARPER
Источник: hram-sveta.ru
